How to Program Genie Intellicode Keypad GK-BX
Genie Intellicode Keypad Programming Instructions for Model GK-BX
Step 1:Take the Genie keypad out of the box then push in and let off the smart button on your garage door opener.
Step 2:Open the lid on the keypad and push 3 5 7, then push up down, up down, up down and the door should activate.
Your personal PIN number is now 3 5 7.
Changing Your Personal Pin Number
Lift up the lid on the Genie intellicode keypad and you will see a white sticker. On the sticker look for directions on how to change your personal PIN number.
Clearing Your Genie Intellicode Keypad
If you are wanting to erase any codes in you Genie keypad or need to start the programming process over follow the steps below.
Step 1:Push the program button down and the up down button both at the same time until the LED light goes out. Once the light goes out your Genie Intellicode Keypad should be back to factory settings.
Programming Your Genie Keypad after You Clear it
Step 1:Push 3 5 7 program
Step 2:Enter your personal PIN number, 3 to 8 characters, then push program again.
Step 3:Push in the smart button on your garage door opener.
Step 4:Go to the Genie keypad and enter your PIN number.
Step 5:Start pushing in and letting off the up down button until your garage door opener activates.